webinar invitation

„To Know or To Guess? The importance of high-quality measurements in grid planning and operations“

DGI Webinar

Recently, data-driven business opportunities and the energy transition have started to reshape the daily operation and planning for distribution grid operators (DSO); many novel grid solutions today require high-quality measurement to unlock their full potential. What has become possible with state-of-the-art measurement devices? How can you leverage the power of data to improve your own grid business? The DGI invites you to an hour of roundtable discussion with NetzeBW, Gridhound, Zaphiro and Greenwood Power on the importance of high-quality measurements. Netze BW, Gridhound and Zaphiro are working on a joint project which applies high-quality measurements to build a Distribution system state estimator (DSSE). The DSSE is part of an ongoing effort by Netze BW to integrate more DER and E-mobility safely into the grid.

Netze BW: Daniel Gross (Grid planner, team member DSSE), Elaheh Mashayekhi (Technical Product Owner DSSE)
Zaphiro Technologies: Paolo Romano (CEO and Co-Founder)
Greenwood Power: Norbert Juschicz (CEO and Co-Founder)
Gridhound: Artur Löwen (CEO and Founder)

Moderator: Carina Lehmal, Greenwood Power

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