Revenue measurement for billing

Revenue measurement for billing

Revenue measurement for billing The active distribution grid becomes more and more real and drives the installation more decentralised power producers like wind parks, pv-parks and small decentralized combined heat and power plants. This units are operated by 3rd...
Monitoring of voltage, current, power factor via Edge devices (IED)

Switch condition monitoring and detection

Use-cases of the Greenwood-Power sensors #3 Switch condition monitoring and detection A simple and basic use case for sensors are the recognition of the switch state of load- switches and circuit breakers or the status of fuses. Utility companies have more and more...
Voltage limit regulation

Voltage limit regulation

Use-cases of the Greenwood-Power sensors #2 Voltage limit regulation on medium and low voltage side O ne of the most important use case is to give the utility an instrument to maintain the given voltage band of +/-10% on medium and low voltage distribution grids. Due...